Wednesday, April 30, 2008

History of the computer and the internet.

In today’s tutorial we are learning how to research for our exams using things such as the databases supplied on learning at Griffith. These databases are very good sources of information as all articles are looked over twice by experts.

In the lecture we covered some of the history of the computer and internet. Babbage, Turing was the first to begin the creation of the computer. He was aiming to make a machine that calculated and printed mathematical tables. He made the structure for the computer and made parts but he did not finish in his life time as there was not enough input with government funding. Other important people to the creation of the computer was :

Ada Byron, she first conceived of a machine which would be able to compose and play music, produce graphics and be of everyday use. She also conceived the first computer program.

Alan Turing- Enigma machine. devised first working computer. Philosophical paper- Computing Machinery and Intelligence.

Computers were first commercially produced by
IBM in the 1950s.

Xerox PARC – early 70’s, developed concepts such as the mouse, the graphical user interface (GUI) and pull-down menus that made the personal computers of today possible and approachable by the general user.

1975: first PC (personal computer) was released.

Bill gates started writing a language called BASIC for the Altair, so that it could be used for simple applications like word processing, basic accounting and some games.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started the company.

IBM and Microsoft-

Gary Kildall, the head of
Digital Research, Inc, and Bill Gates the owner of Microsoft (the biggest software provider in the valley).

Internet The internet, is a network of networks (what is often called an internetwork).

World Wibe Web WWW - (i) internetworking and (ii) hypertext to make an easy-to-use, but powerful, global system that shares all information accessible as part of a seamless hypertext space. The Web includes all the internet sites that people have made available on servers around the world.

The web is an application of the internet.

· Cyberspace World 1 - the objective material world of natural things and their physical properties
· World 2 - subjective consciousness: intentions, calculations, feelings, thoughts, dreams, memories, etc in individual minds
· World 3 - the public structures produced by living minds interacting with each other and the real world.

Early internet applications.
File Transfer protocol –FTP
Internet Relay Chat IRC
MUD- multi user playing machines.

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