Thursday, May 22, 2008

The ethics of peer to peer file sharing.

When Pigs Fly: The Death of Oink, the Birth of Dissent, and a Brief History of Record Industry Suicide. Demonbaby: Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Main Points

1. Stop buying music from major labels. Period.
The only way to force change is to hit the labels where it hurts - their profits.Find out which labels are members/supporters of the RIAA and similar copyright enforcement groups, and don't support them in any way.Make it very clear that you will continue to support the artists directly in other ways, and make it VERY clear that your decision has come about as a direct result of the record company's actions and inactions regarding digital music.

2. Support artists directly.
If a band you like is stuck on a major label, there are tons of ways you can support them without actually buying their CD. Tell everyone you know about them - start a fansite if you're really passionate. Go to their shows when they're in town, and buy t-shirts and other merchandise.

3. Get the message out.
Get this message out to as many people as you can - spread the word on your blog or your MySpace. Teach them how to use torrents and where to get music free.

4. Get political.
The fast-track to ending all this nonsense is changing intellectual property laws. The RIAA lobbies politicians to manipulate copyright laws for their own interests, so voters need to lobby politicians for the peoples' interests. Contact your local representatives and senators. Tell them politely and articulately that you believe copyright laws no longer reflect the interests of the people, and you will not vote for them if they support the interests of the RIAA.

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